I am not human. I am a force of Nature.
“…and while I stood there
I saw more than I can tell,
and I understood more than I saw
for I was seeing in a sacred manner,
the shapes of all things in Spirit
and the shape of all shapes as they must live together
… like one being.” – Black Elk
Photographer: Soror Astræa
Location: Sequoia NP, California,
Part One of Wombyn & Nature Series that I created entitled:
“I am not a human. I am a force of Nature”
A piece of experimental art that I created many years ago, of which was inspired by my love and activism, as an EcoFeminist.
I’ve taken a lot of photos across the decades of which have primarily focused on these perspectives and teachings— so much so that I created a series of photographic art, of which I’ve actually exhibited back when I had a life and time to be an artist.
People really didn’t comprehend the deep philosophy attached to what I was displaying, as most people don’t care about ecological theories, nor was EcoFeminism really a thing in popular society 20 years ago unless you were a big Nerd like yours truly, but a lot of people are becoming aware of these teachings these days so I thought I would re-share some of my pieces — maybe ppl will innerstand what I’m trying to say, now.
I don’t know how many exposures I took to create this. This is a more recent image so I did not have to use film to capture this. I also did not photoshop the exposures into the image. I did elevate the contrast and convert the image into black and white, though. This was taken on a sophisticated camera which allows for multiple exposures to be captured in digital format, which was really exciting for me. It’s so fascinating how technology has changed. I used to sit in the photo lab FOR DAYS (no exaggeration) when I was 13 years-old just to create multiple exposures using light treatment on photo paper AND THAT WAS FOR BLACK AND WHITE FILM, because color development was a whole other beast.
Now, all we have to do is purchase a special camera and shoot away. What used to take AT LEAST 5 DAYS is ready as soon as you finish clicking the button, and if you don’t like it, you can easily delete it on the spot and retake the image, rather than going back into the lab and developing the image all over again, while having to waste photo paper and time *le sigh.
It’s so amazing how things have changed within the world of photography.
Thankfully, it’s for the better, as it eliminates environmental waste and time, of which is completely in alignment with this movement.
Anyhow, if anyone is interested in learning more about this genre of art, please explore EcoPhotography.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day.